What your Internet Marketing Guru didn’t tell you.

Internet Marketing Gurus are everywhere! 

There are many Internet Marketing (IM) programs and systems online that often lead you to information overload and confusion. There're also outright scams from "bad apples" in the industry that had led you to be disappointed. The hype is incredible, promising the gateway to easy fortunes with no effort other than putting money into their hands. You have probably received many of them in your email inbox. You probably need to unsubscribe or filter those emails so that you don’t lose focus on things that matter to you.

Internet Marketing Guru
Some of you have probably spent thousands on internet marketing courses and couching programs and even thousands of hours trying to generate traffic using whatever you have learned. Although the ‘Gurus’ are not totally to be blamed but it would be interesting to know the major reasons why people get disappointed with IM? Are there things that the Internet Marketing Gurus are not telling?

#1: Making Money from the Internet is easy, fast and effortless?

What they don’t tell you up front is how hard and how much effort is required to follow their advice. Yes if you persevere and follow each step, you may actually succeed; after all they probably did, selling you the advice.

You have probably preferred the quick and easy ways of making money. Nothing wrong with that, most of us do. Therefore, you are likely to fall for those ‘push-button’ systems that promised you that you could just put in your keywords (with instant websites created) and all you need to do is to wait and money will come to you just like an ATM machine. Sounds familiar?

As promised by the Internet Marketing Guru’s sales pitch, you could have put in some 'wait and see' effort and expected high and immediate return. The little money that you have generated after a few months would have convinced you that the system is 'retarded' and then even less effort is being put in, leading to a negative vicious cycle. So, it’s not totally the ‘guru’s fault but the mindset of the students that would decide those who will do well and those who don’t.

Hey I have seen some videos where they just picked up a stranger or a beggar on the street and within 5 minutes, they have generated instant sales in their brand new clickbank account…wow!’ said one of my blogger friends.

How does that work? Those IM videos that demonstrated how a stranger could just make instant money from clickbank by just putting their new clickbank ID and results came in within 5 minutes are probably true, technically speaking. However, the preparatory work ‘before’ the demonstration was not revealed. It could be that their subscribers have been pre-announced of a special promotion and it will only be available at such time and date. Or, they were well prepared and designed the system in such a way that the new affiliate link generated was being sent to their high quality (probably in millions) email subscribers (accumulated through paid traffic) with a pre-selected high conversion clickbank product. However, they can’t be doing that too often or else their subscribers will get offended when the emails they received become too ‘spammish’.

The SEO Expert Internet Marketing Guru

#2: The ‘Guru’ is the no.1 expert in Google search engine and you need to listen, follow and rely on him in order to be successful?

The popularity of Google search engine optimization (SEO) and number one ranking is one of the primary selling features, but SEO takes time and effort, contrary to what has been promised. 

If you rely on the ‘Guru’ too much and when he doesn’t reply your email, you get frustrated and blame your Guru for your failure. Most of the Gurus’ SEO course content about Google search engine is obviously taken from Google itself. Unless the IM Guru is Larry Page, I don’t think anyone can claim that he is the No. 1 expert in Google SEO and understand the ever-changing dynamics of Google algorithms.

You should learn more about Google from Google. Get direct update and credible information directly from Google itself. Free resources such as Webmaster Tools, the official Webmaster Central blog, and Google’s discussion forum can provide you with a great deal of information about how to optimize your site for organic search.

You should also be updated with the following by subscribing to the following RSS feeds:
  • Google official blog:
  • Google Facebook Page:

Also, you could learn SEO (search engine optimization) directly from Google: 

We know this is nothing new but is a good reminder:

Quality guidelines - basic principles
  • Make pages primarily for users, not for search engines. Don't deceive your users or present different content to search engines than you display to users, which is commonly referred to as "cloaking."
  • Avoid tricks intended to improve search engine rankings. A good rule of thumb is whether you'd feel comfortable explaining what you've done to a website that competes with you. Another useful test is to ask, "Does this help my users? Would I do this if search engines didn't exist?"
  • Don't participate in link schemes designed to increase your site's ranking or PageRank. In particular, avoid links to web spammers or "bad neighborhoods" on the web, as your own ranking may be affected adversely by those links.
  • Don't use unauthorized computer programs to submit pages, check rankings, etc. Such programs consume computing resources and violate our Terms of Service. Google does not recommend the use of products such as WebPosition Gold™ that send automatic or programmatic queries to Google.
Quality guidelines - specific guidelines

The Do-Nothing Internet Marketing Guru

#3: You don’t need a website; know how to write and even a school drop-out like me can do it?

There is no need to know anything, just out-source to somebody in elance, freelance or fiverr. No need to know SEO, just use PPC (paid per click) traffic.

You probably heard of these. Firstly, you could take the financial risk if you are rich. However, if you are rich; it’s unlikely that you will be reading this post. Further, spending more that you earn is not sustainable. Secondly, is difficult to make real serious money when you need to rely on someone else to do most of the work for you. Why would someone better than you, work for you? Temporarily maybe, but not forever. 


In conclusion, we would like to quote from Google again:

…Webmasters who spend their energies upholding the spirit of the basic principles will provide a much better user experience and subsequently enjoy better ranking than those who spend their time looking for loopholes they can exploit…

The bottom line that the Internet Marketing gurus don’t tell you is that it takes a lot of work and guidance to build a successful business and no matter which direction you choose, you have to be prepared to do most of it yourself. You probably already have the basic knowledge. What you need to do now is to stay focus, put in the effort and persevere.  

Thank you for reading this post.




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