What is a credit card?
If you are asking this question, it’s likely that you do not have a bank credit card or you intend to have one but need to understand this credit card ‘creature’ a little bit more before having a relationship with it. The credit card industry is a very lucrative business for banks as they charge high interest rates for outstanding balances. However, the credit card does have its benefits: For convenience and to enjoy the benefits that come along with the cards such as discounts, point’s redemption, cash back, etc. It’s better than borrowing from “Ah Long”. You would need it if you or your loved ones need to get admitted to a private hospital. Private hospitals will need a deposit before they do any major procedure on you or even to admit you. Or else, you will be transferred to the government hospital. Further, most of us do not carry so much cash in our wallet. You would need it if you are suddenly jobless for whatever reasons and you have no extra cash. Living...