RSS Feeds: What You Need to Know (2024)
In an era dominated by social media algorithms and curated news feeds, the humble RSS feed often finds itself relegated to the sidelines, dismissed as a relic of the internet's past. However, far from being outdated and irrelevant, RSS feeds actually remain one of the most powerful tools for staying informed in the digital age. It is likely they have been intentionally deemphasized because they are a legitimate threat to those in power as they allow you to circumvent media censorship. RSS, or Really Simple Syndication, allows you to curate your own news sources and tailor your information intake to your personal preferences. I suspect its lack of popularity stems not from inefficiency, but from the fact that RSS poses a very real threat to the gatekeepers of information. Hence its use is no longer encouraged by the media establishment the way it used to. Harnessing the power of RSS feeds empowers you to break free from the constraints of curated propaganda so that you can access th...